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Roberto Ruisi
Was born in Florence in 1949. He received the technical degree from the Technical Institute of Florence in 1969. In the same year he joined the Research Institute on Electromagnetic Waves (IROE) of the National Research Council in Florence, Italy, where he was involved in development of electronic equipment for propagation studies and remote sensing. In 1998 he received the "Ing.EurEta" degree from Hig Engineering and Technical Association of European Community. Since 1991 he is with the Microwave Remote Sensing Group / Remote Sensing Department of IROE. His current research deals with the development of radiometric systems and the experimental study of microwave emission from land surfaces using satellite, airborne and ground based data.. Has Technical Responsible of IROE Microwave Radiometers and of Electronic and Microwave Instrumentation.
My major links: ( for now )
Passive Remote Sensing Group (WMICRO) |
Community,Flaubert Project |
(Weather Forecast for Florence ,Italy) |
I.F.A.C - C.N.R. Institute for Researches on ElectromagneticWaves Wave |
My Scientific Publications
[1] Microwave Radiometry of Vegetation : Recent Advances; G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia, P.Pampaloni, R.Ruisi & C.Susini; Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment, Ed. D. Solimini, VSP Press., Utrecht, The Netherlands,1995, pag. 429 - 438.
[2] Effects of Spatial Inhomogeneities and Microwave Emission Enhancement in Random Media : An Experimental Study; G.Macelloni,P.Pampaloni,S.Paloscia & R.Ruisi, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , Vol 34 n. 5,PAG. 1084-1089, Settembre 1996
[3] Microwave Emission Features of Crops with Vertical Stems; G.Macelloni, P.Pampaloni, S.Paloscia & R.Ruisi, IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , vol 36,n.1, pp. 332-337 , January 1998
[4] Microwave Emissivity of Random Media With Vertical Structures; P.Pampaloni G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia & R.Ruisi, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves & Electronic Systems, Moscow, pp. 40-51 Vol 2 N. 4 1997
[5] Airborne Microwave Radiometer Measurements on Agricultural Fields, G.Macelloni, R.Ruisi, P.Pampaloni and S.Paloscia, , Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Earth’s Surface and Atmosphere, Ed. P. Pampaloni and s.Paloscia, VSP Press., Utrecht, The Netherlands ,ISBN 90-6764318-1, pag. 59-70, 2000.
[6] Detection of Ice Sheet on Asphalt Roads; G.Macelloni, R.Ruisi, P.Pampaloni, S.Paloscia, 2000 , Eds. P.Pampaloni and S.Paloscia, VSP Press2000 ,The Netherland
[7] Microwave Radiometry For Detecting Road Ice, G. Macelloni, R. Ruisi, P. Pampaloni and S. Paloscia, Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Earth’s Surface and Atmosphere,Ed. P. Pampaloni and s.Paloscia, VSP Press., Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000,ISBN 90-6764318-1, pp.119-125.
[8] Microwave Soil Monitoring in the Toce Valley, S.Paloscia, G.Macelloni, P.Pampaloni, R.Ruisi and E.Santi, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, ISSN 1464-1917, Vol 26/5-6, pp. 377-381. 2001
[9] Active And Passive Microwave Data For Soils And Crops Characterization, G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia , P.Pampaloni, R.Ruisi , M.Dechambre, R.Valentin, A.Chanzy and J.P.Wigneron, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, ISSN 1464-1917, (sottomesso Giugno 2000)
[10] Modelling Radar Backscatter From Crops During The Growth Cycle, G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia, P.Pampaloni, R.Ruisi, M.Dechambre, R.Valentin, A.Chanzy, L. Prévot and N.Bruguire , Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, ISSN 1464-1917 (accepted Novembre 2000)
[1] Microwave Emissivity of Plant Constituent; G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia, P.Pampaloni, R.Ruisi & C.Susini; Proc. of International Symposium Physical Measurement and Signatures in Remote Sensing, ISPRS : Intenational Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, pag 535 -540 ,Val d' Isère (Francia) 17-21 Gennaio 1994..
[2]Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Vegetation Biomass; G.Macelloni,S.Paloscia,P.Pampaloni,R.Ruisi & C.Susini; International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 1994 ),pag. 1847-1849. IEEE Cat. n.94CH3378-7, Pasadena (USA) 8-12 Agosto 1994
[3] Spaceborne Microwave Radiometry of Land Surfaces; G.Macelloni,S.Paloscia, P.Pampaloni,R.Ruisi & C.Susini; Microwave Instrumentation and Satellite Photogrammetry for Remote Sensing of the Earth , J.B. Lurie, P. Pampaloni, J.C.Schiue Editors; SPIE Vol. 2313, pag. 129-135, Roma 28-30 Settembre 1994.
[4] Experimental Study of the Effects of Spatial Inhomogeneities on Microwave Emission fron Random Media; G.Macelloni,P.Pampaloni,S.Paloscia & R.Ruisi International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 1995 ), pag. 713- 715, IEEE Cat. N. 95CH35770, Firenze, Italy 10-14 Luglio 1995.
[5] A Temperature Variable Reference Load for Portable Microwave Radiometers; R.Ruisi & G.Macelloni ; International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 1995 ), pag. 85-86, IEEE Cat. N. 95CH35770, Firenze, Italy 10 - 14 Luglio 1995.
[6] Monitoring vegetation biomass with microwave sensors. Macelloni G., S.Paloscia, P.Pampaloni, R.Ruisi, 1997, Proc. of the European Symposium on Environmental Sensing III, EnviroSense'97, 16-20 June 1997, Fairgrounds, Munich, FRG, EUROPTO, SPIE Proceedings Series, G.Cecchi, T.Lamp, R.Reuter, K.Weber Eds., vol. 3107, pp. 26-32
[7] Experimental Validation of Surface Scattering and Emission Model ; P.Coppo, S.Lolli, G.Macelloni, G.Nesti ,P.Pampaloni,R.Ruisi & D.Tarchi, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 1997 ), pp. 904-906, IEEE Cat. N. 97CH36042, Singapore, Aug.3-1997
[8] Microwave Radiometry For Detecting Road Ice, G.Macelloni, R.Ruisi, P.Pampaloni and S.Paloscia, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 1999), Hamburg, , IEEE Cat. N. 99CH36293 ,Volume 2, pag.. 891-893 ,July 1999.
[9] Monitoring Crop Biomass and Soil Moisture with Airborne Microwave Radiometers; G. Macelloni, R. Ruisi, P. Pampaloni, S. Paloscia and C.Susini, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 1999), Hamburg, July 1999, IEEE Cat. N. 99CH36293 ,Volume 4, pp 2327-2329
[10] Microwave Radiometry For Detecting Road Ice, G. Macelloni, R. Ruisi, P. Pampaloni and S. Paloscia, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 1999), Hamburg, July 1999 , IEEE Cat. N. 99CH36293 ,Volume 2, pp. 891-893.
[11] Measurement of Ocean Wind Speed and Direction by Means of Radiopolarimetry, Macelloni, G., R. Ruisi, P. Pampaloni and S. Zecchetto , International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2000), Honolulu , July 2000, in press
[12] Passive and Active Microwave Data for Soils and Crops Characterization, G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia, P. Pampaloni, R. Ruisi, M. Dechambre, et al , International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2000), Honolulu , IEEE CATN. 00CH37120, pag. 2522-2524, July 2000.
[13] Airborne Multi-Frequency L- to Ka- Band Radiometric Measurements over Forests, S. Paloscia, G. Macelloni, P. Pampaloni, R. Ruisi and C. Susini, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2000), Honolulu , IEEE CATN. 00CH37120, pag. 1402-1404, July 2000.
[14] On the Detection of Surface Hoar by Means of Microwave Radiometry, P.Pampaloni, G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia, R.Ruisi, A.Cagnati, et al , International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2000), Honolulu , IEEE CATN. 00CH37120, pag. 1760-1762, July 2000.
[15] On the Detection of Surface Hoar by Means of Microwave Radiometry, P.Pampaloni, G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia, R.Ruisi, A.Cagnati, et al , International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2000), Honolulu , IEEE CATN. 00CH37120, pag. 1760-1762, July 2000.
[1] Estimating Crop Biomass with Microwave Sensors; P.Pampaloni, G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia,R.Ruisi & C.Susini, International Union of Radio Science (URSI 1996) XXVth General Assembly, pp. 284, 28 August-5 September 1996 , Lille, France,
[2] Microwave Emission from Crops with Vertical Stems; G.Macelloni, P.Pampaloni ,S.Paloscia & R.Ruisi, 5th Specialist Metting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment; Boston (USA), 4-6 November 1996
[3] Microwave Emission Features of Snow Covers in Alpine Regions; A.Cagnati, G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia, P.Pampaloni, R.Ruisi & M.Valt, 5th Specialist Metting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment; Boston (USA), 4-6 November 1996
[4] Estimating Crop Biomass and Soil Moisture with Microwave Sensor; G.Macelloni, P.Pampaloni ,S.Paloscia & R.Ruisi, International symposium on radio Propagation ( ISRP ‘97) ;Qingdao (China ) , 12-16 August 1997
[5] Radiometric Microwave Features of Wet Snow; , G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia, P.Pampaloni, R.Ruisi & S.Sigismondi; International Union of Radio Science (URSI 1997):,March 1998,Moscow, Russia
[6] Airborne Microwave Radiometer Measurements on an Agricultural Site: the IROE-STAAARTE mission; ; G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia,P.Pampaloni, C.Susini & R.Ruisi ; , XXIII General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Nice 20-24 Aprile 1998,pp.1524
[7] Microwave Radiometry For Detecting Road Ice, G.Macelloni,R.Ruisi,P.Pampaloni and S.Paloscia,6thspecialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of Enviroment ,Firenze 16-18 March 1999
[8] Airborne Microwave Radiometer Measurements On An Agricultural Area In France, G.Macelloni,R. Ruisi,P.Pampaloni and S.Paloscia, 6th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing ofEnviroment , Firenze 16-18 March 1999
[9] Multi-Frequency Passive Microwave Measurements Over Forests, G. Macelloni, S. Paloscia, P.Pampaloni, R. Ruisi, C.Susini, XXIV General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Nice 17-24 Aprile 2000.
[10] Modelling Radar Backscatter From Crops During The Growth Cycle, G. Macelloni, S. Paloscia, P. Pampaloni, R. Ruisi, M. Dechambre, R. Valentin, A. Chanzy, L. Prévot N. Bruguire XXIV General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Nice 17-24 Aprile 2000.
[11] Active And Passive Microwave Data For Soils And Crops Characterization, G. Macelloni, S. Paloscia , P. Pampaloni, R. Ruisi ,M. Dechambre, R. Valentin, A. Chanzy , J.P. Wigneron, XXIV General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Nice 17-24 Aprile 2000.
[12] Microwave radiometric measurements of soil moisture and vegetation biomass in the toce valley, S. Paloscia, Macelloni, G.; Pampaloni, P.; Santi E., Ruisi, R. XXIV General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Nice 17-24 Aprile 2000.
[13] Airborne Multi-frequency L- to Ka- band Radiometric Measurements on Forest Stands, G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia, P.Pampaloni, R. Ruisi and C.Susini, , Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS 2000), Boston, pag. 199, July 2000.
[14] Airborne Active and Passive Microwave measurements for Investigating Agricultural Areas, G. Macelloni, S. Paloscia, P. Pampaloni, R. Ruisi, M. Dechambre, R. Valentin, Chanzy, J.P. Wigneron, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS),Boston,pag.273,July 2000
[15] Measurement of Ocean Wind Speed and Direction by Means of Radiopolarimetry, G.Macelloni, R.Ruisi, P.Pampaloni and S.Zecchetto , International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2000), Honolulu , July 2000
[16] CHEERS (Cerbaia Hydrological Experiment for
Earth Remote Sensing): Soil
moisture measurements in Tuscany using multi-frequency microwave radiometers
,G.Macelloni, S.Paloscia, P.Pampaloni, R.Ruisi, and E.Santi, XXVI General
Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Nice , Marzo2001.
[17]Estimating woody biomass from forests by means of microwave radiometers: A comparison of experimental results and model simulations. S. Paloscia , G. Macelloni, P. Pampaloni and R. Ruisi, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2001), Sidney , IEEE CATN, July 2001
[1] Emissione a Microonde della Vegetazione;G. Macelloni,P.Pampaloni & R.Ruisi, X Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo,Il Ponte Vecchio Editrice pag. 519-522, Cesena 21-23 Settembre 1994
[2] Emissione e Diffusione a Microonde di Superfici Rugose: Modellistica Elettromagnetica e Dati Sperimentali; P.Coppo, G.Nesti, G.Macelloni, P.Pampaloni & R.Ruisi, XI Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo, pag. 495-497, Firenze 1-4 Ottobre 1996
[1] The Airborne Campaign "Les Alpilles", G.Macelloni, R.Ruisi, C.Susini, S.Paloscia, P.Pampaloni, ISSN 1120-2823. Aprile 1999.
[2] Monitoring of soil Moisture and vegetation biomass in the toce valley by using microwave radiometry, S.Paloscia,G.Macelloni, P.Pampaloni E.Santi, R.Ruisi , Rapporto interno IROE-CNR, ISSN 1120-2823,RR TR 03.00, Marzo 2000.
[3] Microwave Emission Features of Snow covers in Alpine Regions, G. Macelloni, S. Paloscia , P. Pampaloni, R. Ruisi, M.Tedesco, A.Cagnati, M.Valt, R.Zasso, F.Banal. Rapporto interno IROE-CNR, ISSN 1120-2823,RR TR 06.00, Marzo 2000.
Ultimo aggiornamento: Aprile 2001
are the visitor N.
Apr. 25 2000